Baby Registry - Gift & Birth Lists

For a birth or a birthday, we often receive too many gifts, not all well-chosen, and some are duplicates. To prevent that, we advise you to create a baby registry or a gift list.


Do not forget anything in your baby registry

Anticipating a newborn’s need can be challenging. This is why we’ve carefully curated a selection of must-have items for your baby registry. With our help, you won’t forget any of the essentials!

Download the list of must-haves

Receive my little room gift cards

Do not hesitate to talk to your relatives about gift cards. For you, it's the guarantee of choosing the items you really want and need at the right time. For your loved ones, it's easy and fast.

See our gift vouchers

Create a baby registry or a gift list

Our list building service is under maintenance because we want to improve it. Alternatively, we suggest you create a birth or gift list on

Create a wishlist on




You want to create a birth or gift list, but you still have questions? Please contact us!
